Our pledge is to ignite change through immersive learning experiences

Shri Jagannath Gupta


“The pursuit of knowledge and excellence shall always reign supreme, and should always remain unfettered, irrespective of one’s caste, creed, sex, religion, language, and nationality.”

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome each of you to our family at Budge Budge Institute of Technology. For quite some time, we have felt the absence of an advanced learning center in this region to meet the growing needs of our great nation. Together, with your help, endurance, and commitment to the sacred body of knowledge, we can fulfill this need. Establishing this technical institution to provide quality education is our way of addressing this gap. On behalf of the Institute, I assure you that our efforts will always be to offer the best possible technical education through our highly qualified teachers and competent associates from reputed organizations like IITs, Jadavpur University, Calcutta University, NIT, IIM, and other educational and industrial institutions. I strongly believe that, over time, we will provide you with education of international standards.

We take pride in associating not only with you but also with your parents, who have been critical contributors to your success until now. Let me take this opportunity to remind each of you that ‘what yesterday was their dream is your vision for tomorrow.’ The pursuit of knowledge and excellence shall always reign supreme and should always remain unfettered, irrespective of one’s caste, creed, sex, religion, or nationality.

As the Chairman of the Jagannath Gupta Family Trust, I hope that with the cooperation of faculty members, research organizations, and reputed educational institutions, we will instill values that serve both industry and society. At the same time, I expect that, in completing your course curricula, you will attain the global leadership qualities expected of technical professionals. I wish you all the best for the future.

Dr. Shubhangi Gupta

Executive Director

The success story of an educational institution is woven around its pillars, which support and facilitate growth. At BBIT, these pillars include students, parents, faculties, technical and non-technical associates, and management. Each of these pillars carries its own vision, hopes, aspirations, achievements, and expectations.

Our Institute operates under the leadership of our Chairman, Sri Jagannath Gupta, an experienced industrialist and philanthropist. In addition to his guidance, we are supported by experienced Trustees, Advisory Boards, and a Governing Body that consistently guide, support, and appreciate our endeavors.

We launched this esteemed technical institute in the industrial vicinity of Budge Budge in 2009 with an intake of 60 students each in the BTech programs for Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, and Computer Science & Engineering, along with the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program.

Within just one year, our management constructed a colossal infrastructure, transforming our institution into a technical campus. This expansion included the introduction of Polytechnic programs in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering, and Computer Science & Technology, each with an intake of 60 students per stream.

From the very first year, BBIT students have gained industrial exposure through collaborations with various industries in Kolkata. BBIT is dedicated to providing quality education through our distinguished faculty, most of whom hold PhDs and have affiliations with renowned institutions like IIT, NIT, CU, JU, BESU, and more. We maintain a faculty-student ratio well below 1:15, in accordance with AICTE norms. Special classes are conducted for students who need additional help with the curriculum. Each faculty member is also a mentor, providing students with proper guidance.

Our faculty members participate in continuous seminars and evaluations, with feedback from students, ensuring they remain at the forefront of educational excellence. To secure future placements for our students, BBIT has partnered with various industries, facilitated by a dedicated placement officer who coordinates proper training and internships. From its inception, the Institute has demonstrated a strong inclination towards extracurricular activities. Starting with a few fun-filled events on Viswakarma Puja to organizing Annual Sports, BBIT has quickly established a niche for itself. Our second fest, “Verve 2011,” saw active participation from all members, reflecting our vibrant campus life. BBIT’s willingness to adapt to the ever-changing educational landscape will undoubtedly elevate it to new heights. This promise, held dearly by all members of the Institute, will be realized in the days to come.

Dr. (Col.) Probhas Bose


Professor Dr. (Col.) Probhas Bose, who graduated from the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun in June 1987, brings over 39 years of industrial, academic, and administrative experience, including 21 years in teaching.

He proudly identifies as a Soldier, reflecting his distinguished military career spanning three decades. After retiring as a Colonel in May 2016, he transitioned to full-time academia. He has held significant positions such as Associate Professor at the Defense Institute of Advanced Technology (Deemed University), Director of Adamas Institute of Technology and College of Engineering & Management, Kolaghat, and Principal of Dr. Sudhir Chandra Sur Degree Engineering College, Kolkata, before becoming the Director at Budge Budge Institute of Technology, Kolkata.

An alumnus of the Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Secunderabad, Professor Bose holds two master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering. He specialized in Armament Engineering from MS University, Vadodara in 1993, and in Heat Power from BIT Mesra in 2006. His research in Composite Solid Propellant earned him a Ph.D. from NIT Silchar in 2014.

Professor Bose has completed various professional courses in Power Plant Engineering, Automobile Technology, Turbomachines, Earth Movers, Munition Technology, Weapon Technology, Management (HR & Finance), Pedagogy, and Universal Human Values (UHV). He advocates and practices lifelong self-directed learning, having completed 28 MOOCs, including 18 courses under NPTEL. He is domain certified as Faculty (Advanced) and recognized as a motivated learner.

As an academic, he has served as a Paper Setter and Head Examiner for ME Courses at Pune University, and as a Paper Setter and Examiner for B.Tech and M.Tech Courses at MAKAUT, West Bengal. He has been actively involved in R&D assignments with DRDO, IEI, and AICTE. His contributions include 23 published papers in national and international journals and 17 papers presented at conferences and seminars. His research interests encompass Solid Propellant, Electric Vehicles (EV), and Robotics.

In recognition of his contributions to academics, Dr. Bose has received several prestigious awards, including the Tipu Sultan Rolling Trophy and Sir JC Bose Award for first place in Advanced Weapon Technology at the Defense Institute of Advanced Technology in December 1999, and the ‘Er VS Chauhan-Rajyashree Chauhan Award 2013’ at the 93rd Annual General Meeting of The Institution of Engineers (India), UP State Centre, Lucknow, for the best technical paper.

Dr. Bose is a certified Advanced Weapon Technologist and a Fellow of The Institution of Engineers (India) and the Indian National Congress Association. He is also a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Society of Automotive Engineers, and serves as the Regional Convener, Eastern Region of Veterans India, an organization dedicated to youth development.

Prof. (Dr.) Narendra Nath Jana


It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Budge Budge Institute of Technology (BBIT).

At BBIT, we constantly endeavor to prepare our students to become not only successful professionals but also true global citizens with strong foundations in their respective disciplines. Our focus is on providing quality education through a dedicated team of excellent faculty members who are educated, trained, and experienced in premier institutions and universities both in India and abroad.

Since its inception in 2009, BBIT, guided by a cordial and compassionate management, has continuously improved and now boasts a superb infrastructure spread over approximately 20 acres. We have state-of-the-art laboratories for all our B.Tech disciplines, including ECE, EE, CSE, ME, and CE, as well as for our MBA program. Additionally, BBIT offers diploma programs in five disciplines: CE, CST, ETCE, ME, and EE. Starting from the academic year 2018-19, M.Tech programs in CSE and EE will also be available.

It is a matter of pride to mention that BBIT has been accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and four of our existing B.Tech programs (ECE, CSE, EE, and ME) have been accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA).

BBIT encourages its faculty members to engage in research activities, present their work at national and international seminars and conferences, and publish their papers in various journals. The Institute also promotes student participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities beyond the specified academic curriculum for their all-around development.

In a nutshell, BBIT is committed to creating an ambiance that nurtures discipline, innovation, creativity, and excellence, aiming to become one of the premier engineering educational institutions in the country.

Wish you all a happy learning experience at BBIT.

Prof. (Dr.) Siladitya Bandyopadhyay

Dean – Diploma/ Polytechnic

It brings me great pleasure to highlight that within a relatively short span of time, Budge Budge Institute of Technology (BBIT) has distinguished itself as an institution dedicated to fostering and enhancing students’ conceptual understanding in technical education. Our institute boasts a cohesive team of full-time qualified faculty members across five key branches of engineering. Our primary goal is to provide our students with a holistic education that not only equips them with technical skills but also prepares them to tackle the evolving challenges and demands of the industry.

BBIT is committed to providing state-of-the-art infrastructure, ensuring optimal resource allocation to each student for learning and specialization, thereby nurturing them into skilled engineers. Moreover, we offer ample opportunities for students to engage in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, enriching their overall learning experience.

At BBIT, our vision extends beyond producing skilled engineers; we aim to cultivate responsible citizens and exemplary human beings. We strive to instill in our students a strong sense of ethics, discipline, and social and moral values. We firmly believe in providing a unique blend of academic prowess and practical experience that will lay a solid foundation for our students’ future professional endeavors upon completion of their studies.

With this brief overview of our institute, I extend a warm welcome to the incoming batch of students joining BBIT. May your time here be enriching and rewarding, laying the groundwork for a successful and illustrious career.

Best wishes to all for a bright and prosperous future!

Dr. Moumita Poddar

Dean – MBA

Welcome to BBIT! An esteemed education hub where talent converges with excellence.

As Sri Vivekananda, the great visionary, once proclaimed, “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.” At Budge Budge Institute of Technology (BBIT), we are dedicated to realizing this vision by nurturing the inherent talents of our cherished students. With a steadfast commitment to achieving greater heights in research and development, BBIT, along with its Management and Humanities Department, continually endeavors to prepare our students to excel in the dynamic industry landscape.

Given the interdisciplinary nature of management education, we actively encourage our students to participate in diverse interdisciplinary research activities alongside their regular academic pursuits. In an ever-evolving world where industry standards and requirements constantly evolve, our faculty members and research partners work tirelessly to equip our students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the professional realm. Embracing a philosophy of learning by doing, we prioritize hands-on training programs and initiatives that facilitate an environment conducive to both learning and earning.

At BBIT, we recognize our role in nation-building and prioritize the cultivation of a morally upright and ethically responsible workforce. Through the dedicated efforts of our faculty and staff, we are committed to fostering the character development of our students, thereby contributing to the greater good of society.

As you embark on your journey as a member of the BBIT family, I am confident that our shared learning and training programs will enrich both you and our institution.

Dr. Adhir Baran Chattopadhyay

Dean – Research & Development

Dr. Adhir Baran Chattopadhyay brings with him the highest qualification, a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from I.I.T, Kharagpur in 1999. With a remarkable tenure of 34 years in teaching (including 13 years abroad) and 28 years in research, Dr. Chattopadhyay’s expertise is unparalleled. His contributions to the field were recognized in March 2021 when he was jointly awarded the Best Paper Award 2020 by Cogent Engineering Journal, published by Taylor and Francis.

Upon joining BBIT in March 2021, Dr. Chattopadhyay identified ample opportunities to establish a robust platform for result-oriented research and development within the institute. He acknowledges the immense potential within the faculty members and is committed to embarking on this research journey to propel BBIT to new heights of excellence. With determination and dedication, Dr. A.B. Chattopadhyay is poised to lead BBIT towards a future of innovation and achievement.

The BBIT family warmly welcomes Dr. A.B. Chattopadhyay and looks forward to embarking on this journey of research and development under his guidance.

Prof. (Dr.) Sandeep Malik


On behalf of all our esteemed faculty, dedicated staff, and enthusiastic students, it gives me great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to Budge Budge Institute of Technology (BBIT), where talent converges with excellence.

Since its establishment in 2009, BBIT has flourished into an educational powerhouse, boasting a remarkable infrastructure spread across approximately 20 acres. Our state-of-the-art laboratories cater to a wide array of disciplines, including ECE, EE, CSE, IT, ME, CE, and MBA. Additionally, BBIT offers diploma programs in CE, CST, ETCE, ME, and EE. In line with our commitment to innovation, BBIT introduced M.Tech courses in CSE and EE in the academic year 2018-19. It fills us with immense pride to announce that BBIT has received accreditation from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), with four of our B.Tech programs accredited by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA).

At BBIT, our vision extends beyond producing skilled engineers; we aspire to nurture responsible citizens and compassionate human beings. We imbue our students with a strong sense of ethics, discipline, and social values, ensuring they emerge as well-rounded individuals poised for success in both their professional and personal endeavors.

With this brief overview of our institute, I extend a heartfelt welcome to all students embarking on their educational journey at BBIT. May your time here be enriching and transformative, laying the foundation for a successful and fulfilling career.

Best wishes for a bright and prosperous future!

Prof. (Dr.) Ashok Kumar Shaw

Dean R&D, HOD (Mathematics & BSH)

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to the BBIT Kolkata family. Here at the vibrant BBIT campus, we are continuously striving to inspire our beloved students to achieve their desired goals while also being good human beings. BBIT is committed to providing high-quality education and excellent research opportunities to students through its outstanding pool of research-centric, highly qualified, and trained faculty members drawn from premier educational institutes in the country and abroad.

With 29 national/international publications, one international patent, four books, and one ongoing book, Dr. Shaw is actively involved in R&D activities. Dr. Shaw has around 20 years of experience in academics. Currently, under the supervision of Dr. Shaw, four scholars are pursuing their PhD research work from MAKAUT. He is also a lifetime member of the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Calcutta.

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